Thursday, August 20, 2009

Homosexuality the trojan horse that will destroy America

If I said to you that if I continue to show you that homosexuality is a sin, consistently, daily, would I be inconsiderate of your views or just expressing my own? If I wrote a book about how to tear down the homosexual movement one brick at a time would you consider that proper or offensive? If I dont let up with my truth telling of how sinful homosexuality is will you eventually give up and accept the truth? And there are those out there who will say that the church is intolerant and bigotted and yet they do not use psychological jamming to share the gospel of freedom through Christ Jesus. I can tell you all day that homosexuality is a sin but unless the Gd of the universe speaks to your heart it would do no good because I cannot save you from sin only Gd can do that and I beleive he does that through Jesus Christ his only son.
I wont give up telling the truth that homosexuality is a sin but unlike Kirk and Madsens three methods of forcing a lifesytyle on America I give you choice.This is the method used by Madsen and Kirk in the book, AFTER THE BALL, How America will conquer its fear of Gays in the 1990's" and this book does nothing to allievate any fears of the homosexual persuasion, on the contrary, this book should make every American sickened and heartbroken for those who have lost their minds for a sexual perversion white painted with social normalcy so as to appear acceptable, its more like a trojan horse, to unsuspecting slightly oblivous Americans standing on the side of the parade route saying " oh isnt that nice". While Kirk and Madsen may have put the rose colored glasses on some Americans those of us who know better reject the notion that they can mentally force us to see clothes on a king when there are none. In their book they describe in nothing less than what I would consider pychological warfare games the exact way to desensitize "straights" as they call us by low grade over exposure of their lifestyle, once an indifference is achieved the next phase is interjecting into the minds of "straights" opposing emotions causing a breakdown of mental and emotional foundations. I believe they have used hypnosis on unsuspecting students inorder to acheive this goal. You can verify this by contacting Tim May or Paul Badaracco or Yuba College, Marysville, California.Directly from their book a quote about this process called jamming, which by the way the Nazi's would have loved to have had this program inorder to convience the world that jews were scum of the earth, oh yah, they did try,didnt work! Quote:Jamming makes use of the rules of Associative Conditioning (the psychological process whereby, when two things are repeatedly juxtaposed, one's feelings about one thing are transferred to the other) and Direct Emotional Modeling (the inborn tendency of human beings to feel what they perceive others to be feeling). end quoteSo if you think for one minute that the church by way of opening its doors to anyone is somehow getting into the business of homosexuals lifestyle your wrong, if you think that the homosexual community will destroy Christianity you will be as successful as Hitler was at destroying Christianity and the Jewish nation. But hey, its amusing to watch you try!Whats next for Kirk and Madsen putting homosexual blood into our drinking water to polute us into a zombie state or try a magic show where you threaten to saw the "straights" in half if they dont say they love homosexuality? It should be fun and hilarious to see what they come up with next. I cant wait!
So when Im told the church is bigotted because they denounce homosexuality or same-sex marriage I just remind them of what the homosexual movement is all about and offer them the freedom of choice through the power of JESUS.

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